Discover Your Design District

The Psychology of Design

Interior design: We use it to furnish our homes and create the particular look we want to achieve in each room. But design is about more than just finding items you like and putting them in a room. Believe it or not, there’s a whole psychology to home design that can affect our moods and behaviors.

From the colors you use to the placement of your furniture, let's take a look at some design strategies you can use to create the feelings you desire in every room of your home.


It’s no secret that harsh, unflattering lighting can kill the mood in the living room, dining room or any other room often used for entertaining. In the bedroom, glaringly bright lights can inhibit sleep if they're used just before bedtime. And soft, dim lights in a home office aren't going to increase anyone’s productivity.

When considering which type of lighting to install in each room of your home, be sure to think carefully about the purpose of each room and how light can help (or hinder) that usage. If the lighting in your home feels a little off, go to the experts at Solara Custom Doors & Lighting for help.


Color affects our emotions so much that we often use color to express how we’re feeling. "He’s green with envy." "She’s a little blue today." In a recent blog post, we shared some tips for deploying color in your home to elicit certain moods. Greens, for example, work well in bathrooms for a natural and soothing energy. Yellows in the bedroom can help you start off the day bright and fresh, and purples generate a regal or creative feel in workspaces or other rooms. To glean some color inspiration, check out the different fabrics, wallpapers and more available at the F. Schumacher showroom.


Are you going for warm and cozy? Or maybe you love a sleek and modern aesthetic. Perhaps you want to bring back favorite memories of beachside vacations. By combining your chosen colors with a variety of well-chosen textures, you can create any vibe you desire. Fuzzy rugs and throws add an element of comfort and luxury that warm up any living room. Metal and glass accessories create a industrial, contemporary look. And materials like jute and wood create a natural, eco-conscious feel. You’ll find a variety of textured pieces at places like Again & Again, Uncommon Market, and Griffin Trading Company.


Do you dream of having long family talks every night after dinner while relaxing in the living room? Well, if all the living room seating faces the television, it’s unlikely that dream will become a reality. The location that objects and furniture occupy in a room are just as important to the room's atmosphere as the objects and furniture themselves.

When you think about what you are trying to accomplish with a space, you’ll have a better idea of how your pieces should be staged. Arrange seating so that people face toward each other to encourage more interaction. Highlight a favorite find from your travels to show off your passions. Elevate everyone’s mood with plants and fresh flowers. Browsing showrooms is a great way to pick up some ideas about how a room can be put together, and the Holland & Sherry showroom is no exception.


After a long day, there’s nothing like going home — or at least that’s how it should be. If your home doesn't yet feel like your ideal oasis, do something about it with a little help from the shops and showrooms at the Dallas Design District.

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