Discover Your Design District

We Invite You to the Opening Reception and Artist Talk with Mark Russell Jones

Featuring a New Collection of Original Oil Paintings by Mark Russell Jones
Location: Ferrari Gallery | 2523 Farrington Street, Dallas 75207

You are invited to the opening VIP reception with artist Mark Russell Jones.

Join us for an art experience with Los Angeles based artist, Mark Russell Jones. Hovering between abstraction and representation, his approach to painting is informed by his interests in geography, light and environment.

Your night will feature sips & bites, a sit down artist talk with Mark and our Creative Experience Director, Charlie White, meet fellow art enthusiasts and acquire a new piece of art for your home.


Without blindly submitting to the illustrative function of painting, I am continually composing and above all editing in an effort to capture a moment. A moment that is intuitive.....that is beautiful.

Subtle markings serve as the bones of the painting. A way of beginning, mapping out the terrain, wiping away, revisiting, establishing the groundwork. Navigation through the space directs the next move. Being present, employing restraint, destroying, discovering.

What remains is familiar. Resonating in memory, the residue from a time and space transcending its origin. A moment frozen in its own episodic reverie.

In the end, I make art that moves me emotionally and physically, questions me, and remains open for interpretation.


This event is Free & Open to the Public - Please RSVP


Schedule of Event:

6:00 pm - Check in: Grab sips & bites, tour the gallery with Mark Russell Jones
7:00 pm - Artist Talk: Mark Russell Jones and Charlie White talk about the collection


View Available Works by Mark Russell Jones