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What the DDD Showrooms and Galleries are Thankful For

The fall time symbolizes change, abundance, and most importantly, gratitude. At the Dallas Design District, we are immensely thankful for each and every single one of the showrooms and galleries that make up our community. Going beyond what we’re thankful for, we wanted to spotlight the showrooms and galleries and what they’re most thankful for this year. Read on to find out what wonders they had to say.

Arsin Rug Gallery
This year, we at Arsin Rug Gallery are thankful for so many things. We are thankful for our dedicated and knowledgeable staff, we are thankful to be open and working again after the pandemic, we are thankful to be able to call the beautiful city of Dallas our home, but we are most thankful for our loyal and amazingly talented designers!

Laura Rathe Fine Art
Our team is grateful every day to serve as an avenue that leads people to art with which they can deeply connect. In that process, we are both humbled and proud to support the careers of our incredibly talented artists.

Romo Inc.
This year, the team at Romo is incredibly thankful for the warm welcome we’ve received opening our new showroom in the Design District. From the support of our neighbor showrooms throughout the installation to features about us in local publications and our clients' loyalty and excitement, we have been so blessed to smoothly transition into our new space.

 Despite the challenges we’ve all faced over the last 2 years, Romo as a company is charging into their 120th year feeling humbled and thankful for all who have helped us arrive at this milestone. As an added thanks this holiday season, we are hosting a Holiday party for our colleagues and clientele. We are beyond excited to celebrate together and thank each and every one of you for helping Romo grow into what is now an established must-stop showroom in the DDD!

TKO Associates
Here at TKO Associates, we are thankful to be where the action is. What a business, entertainment, restaurant, art, and development hub neighboring the TKO showroom! We are very grateful for our hardworking Sales Reps, who continue to go above and beyond for us, listen to our feedback, bring us French pastries, and even help us install fantastic new displays - come see the new Gessi collection in person! We cannot forget the Manufacturers who value organic, eco-friendly, and high-performance craftsmanship and lead a sustainable movement for a better planet: Claybrook, Duravit, Fantini, MTI Baths, and Wetstyle to name a few.

We’re also thankful for the kindness shown to the beloved cats, Ms. Kitty and Ghost, Design District’s green space, Lizzo, Dallas Cowboy’s quarterback, Cooper Rush, strong coffee, the easing of the pandemic’s aftermath, and a shared vision for peace.

Villa & House Team
We are thankful for the good health of all of our loved ones and coworkers. This year has been a long and challenging one in many ways but we are all very lucky to be in a place where we have many things to celebrate. We are also thankful for the opportunity to have Villa & House expand to our new showroom located in the Flat Iron District in Manhattan, which will be opening by the end of the year - such an exciting time!


Now that we got to hear what our DDD community is thankful for, what are you most thankful for? Whatever the answers may be, we hope you can share them with your loved ones, colleagues, and community this season. And, on behalf of our Dallas Design District family, Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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